Why Choose Smart Trip Planner

Competitive Prices
For all tours we claim that we have competitive and comparatively best prices in market as compared to our peers considering what value we offers to our customers and regarding the backend comfort of customers as well.

Post Sale Services
Where others stop, we start. We believe in providing equal support and services to our clients starting from sales to post sales services and thus creating wow and 'Definately tripping with STP again experiences.

Flexible Booking Options
Flexibility is the key factor in business, and that's why we offers flexibility in cancellations, amendments , payments, and date change to our clients.

Your Destination Experts
Our Team we called them destination experts because of years of experience and destination knowledge helps our clients to enjoy memorable vacations.

Trusted & Safe Transactions
We offer safe and secure online or offline payment options to our clients secured by SSL and McAfee and company account details and we also offer online payment options to our clients.

Value of Money
There is no better way to spend money, than spending money on travelling and we understand, respect and create value of money spend by our customers.
Featured Packages
Our Featured Packages allow you to get away from routine, spend time with family and friends.

Charming Kashmir 5 Nights 6 Days Tour Package
kashmir “crown of india” and witness the unmatched natural beauty and that is the reason...

Mini Kerala 5 Nights 6 Days Holiday Package (Honeymoon Special)
kerala is known as god's own country because of its rich flora and fauna and...

Ultimate Uttarakhand 5 Nights 6 Days Tour Package
Uttarakhand known as “ The Land of Gods” is one of the famous places for...

5 Nights Dharamshala & Dalhousie Tour Package
Himachal Pradesh is one of the famous and highest visiting tourist destinations of India .Himachal...
Travel Destinations
Check out our travel destinations.